Repairing or Restoring Old Glass: Tips for Homeowners

Glass Repairs | 3 Instant Actions To Fix Broken Window Glass Cracks In The Interim

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When you live on a lower floor, you’re destined to face a broken glass windowpane at some point, whether it is from an errant cricket ball or from a sudden branch falling against your window. Permanent glass repairs are impractical, so you will naturally need to replace your glass windows entirely to stay protected. But before the glass repair professionals arrive, there are some instant actions you can undertake to fix cracks in broken window glass in the interim. Read More»

Kitchen Splashback | 3 Tips to Compare Between Tiled and Glass Splashbacks

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Splashbacks are excellent kitchen additions because they prevent food and oil spills from setting directly on walls. A kitchen splashback is usually an easy-to-wipe surface that is impermeable to any type of stain, apart from being resistant to heat and moisture. Popular kitchen splashback materials are glass, tiles, stainless steel and timber. If you have narrowed down your choices to tiles and glass, this guide is designed to help you compare between them for making your final kitchen splashback decision. Read More»

Glass Repairs | 3 Steps To Fix A Small Hairline Crack in Your Glass Shower

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While shower glass is designed to be strong and resilient, every so often you may be unlucky enough to face the issue of hairline cracks in the glass. These hairline cracks may be small enough for glass repairs, instead of complete glass replacement. This guide is designed to help you undertake DIY glass repairs to fix hairline or small glass cracks. Clean The Glass Before starting with the repair process, remove any glass shards from the shower area with a vacuum cleaner. Read More»

How to Minimise Cracked Windscreen Damage

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A windscreen is designed to offer both protection and visibility for your vehicle, but it is also prone to cracks or damage. Stones and other debris can easily come in contact with your windscreen and cause a small chip that can later morph into a large crack that will require complete windscreen replacement. If you are looking to simply have your windscreen repaired without the need for replacement, there are steps that you can take to minimise the total amount of damage and keep the size of the chip from enlarging. Read More»

Signs You Require Window Glass Repairs

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Windows are not in place to simply enable you to enjoy your view of the outdoors. These spaces also work toward making the home comfortable as well as shielding your home from the elements. However, if your windows are not properly maintained, you may find yourself requiring glass repairs or complete replacement. Due to natural weather changes, your windows will eventually bear the brunt of wear and tear. The good news is that if you spot the signs early enough, you may not have to be forced into having costly replacements. Read More»